Taryn’s Patient Story


I can’t even begin to fully describe what this weight loss tool has done for me and my family. 3 years ago, I could barely make it up a flight of stairs without feeling like I was going to pass out. I couldn’t be an active participant with my daughter’s sports without going to the parking lot to take rests in my car. I never wanted to volunteer for my son’s school activities. I would get dressed in a locked bathroom so that my husband wouldn’t see my body even though he’s always loved me regardless of my appearance. All of those things made me depressed and I ate to cope with the emotions of that and it just turned out to be a vicious cycle. Today, I feel reborn! I can run up a flight of stairs now. I can sit comfortably in the heat to watch my daughter play softball and the other sports she plays. I can support my son in all his extracurricular activities. I was blessed to become a mom to a second son who is now a toddler and I’m able to keep up with him too! I don’t fear my husband seeing my body, in fact, I love being able to show it off to him. I can look in the mirror every single day and be reminded that this was by far the best decision I made for myself and for my loved ones. I hope anyone reading this will be encouraged to schedule a consultation. What can it hurt? The staff of TLC Surgery answered all of my questions and very understanding of my concerns. Be mindful that this is a TOOL. A tool to help you be successful in your weight loss. It’s very important to exercise and make healthy food choices. The weight will fall off like butter if you take care of yourself. Dr. Sherman Yu was my surgeon and he had great bedside manner and I can’t thank him enough for changing my life. What are you waiting for?

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Today, I feel reborn! I can run up a flight of stairs now. I can sit comfortably in the heat to watch my daughter play softball and the other sports she plays. I can support my son in all his extracurricular activities.

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